Meet the Community: Introduce Yourself

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Hi Creators 👋🏻

We are so excited to be here with you and to have the opportunity to launch this space for all Goosechase creators to connect, learn and inspire one another. I’ve got Goosebumps!

If a few goosey puns haven’t turned you off yet (you can tell this community is *down-*right full of those) we’d love it if you would introduce yourself here in this thread. Feel free to share:

  • 🏢  Where you work
  • 🏠  Where you live
  • 💼  Your role
  • 📲  How you use Goosechase, and
  • 💯  How many Goosechase experiences you’ve run

But of course feel free to add any other interesting information about yourself (hobbies, interests, fave movie/band etc) or even a fun picture of you being a Silly Goose! This is the best way for us to get to know one another and feel more comfortable sharing ideas.



55 replies

Userlevel 4
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Hello, everyone!  My name is Tammy Fry Ware (the Ware was recently added when I was married December 12 :-)).

I am an adjunct professor in the Department of Education at MidAmerica Nazarene University in Olathe, Kansas.  I have also taught classes at the University of Kansas and at Kansas State University.  I made the jump to university instruction a couple of years ago after being a founder of and Teacher Education instructor at the Blue Valley Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) in Overland Park, Kansas.  This was a career center for high school juniors and seniors who are interested in careers and perform internships and other career-related projects. My students worked in classrooms but also worked on projects with companies such as Indigo Education, Sprint, AMC, and more.  Prior to CAPS, I worked as a Technology Integration Specialist in a large suburban district high school and led a career as a Language Arts instructor.


I live in Overland Park, (a Kansas City suburb—GO CHIEFS!) with my husband, John, and I have four grown children, a son in San Diego, a daughter in Las Vegas, and two sons in the Kansas City area. I also have a stepson in the Kansas City area and a stepdaughter in Castle Rock, CO, and we have three granddaughters!


My passion is developing “teacherpreneurs” and training.  I spend time presenting at local, regional, and national conferences.  My favorite educational technology conference is the Future of Educational Technology Conference or FETC.  I also am currently co-chair of the AACE S.I.T.E. Technology Leadership Special Interest group, but I will be passing that position off to another this year after a two-year term. I am also a state board member for our Educators Rising Kansas organization and serve on the Education Advisory Council at MNU.


I am really excited to be a part of the Goosechase BETA group.  I have used Goosechase quite a bit since I discovered it years ago.  I used it even before there was an “education” edition, and I remember, early on, talking by phone with Goosechase, discussing ways that I wish it could work for my classes and students.


Here are some of the ways I have used Goosechase in my life: :-)


  • Elementary student scavenger hunt to learn concepts and learn how to research topics
  • Post-Secondary online conference used as a competition within my presentation
  • Leadership Training Modules to develop strategies and knowledge for our Kansas state Educators Rising officers
  • Get-acquainted activity for students new to our CAPS program
  • Onsite conference scavenger hunt with questions over presentations, speakers, and vendors
  • Interactive video activities including one on Dr. Yong Zhao’s “Every Child is a Rudolph”
  • Integral part of my conference presentations to provide audience interactivity


The only problem I have ever encountered with Goosechase (and it is not really a valid problem) is the limitation of using only mobile devices.  While that totally makes sense, sometimes it just doesn’t mesh with educational practices…ie. Students not allowed to have cell phones, etc.


Overall, I have been a Goosechase evangelist, even devoting time at conferences and in my post-secondary courses, to train teachers to use it with their students!




Userlevel 5
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Greetings Gaggle!  Yes, I am fond of Puns, like Kris!  

My name is Jessie Erickson.

I have recently retired from Grand Forks Public Schools (October).  I am now consulting and contracting.  I have been working with schools in North Dakota on Assessments (esp. ACT), technology integration and more.  I also have been providing professional development, coaching and support for some international EdTech platforms.  I also work as an adjunct professor for the University of North Dakota from time to time.

Prior to retirement, I served the students and teachers of Grand Forks Public and Grand Forks Air Force Base School Districts as the District Assessment Coordinator and K12 Technology Integrationist.  I had the opportunity to work with the students and staff for over three decades as a teacher, Building Resource Coordinator, Instructional Coach, and Curriculum Technology Partner within the Grand Forks Public Schools and Grand Forks Air Force Base School Districts.

I live in Grand Forks with my husband, Tom.  We have two grown children.  Our daughter Kate is in Salt Lake City, Utah and our son Reed just graduated from the University of North Dakota in December and is living at home finalizing job and moving plans… location yet TBD!

I am president of North Dakota Association of Technology Leaders (ISTE Affiliate) and an ISTE Community Leader.  I truly enjoy learning about edtech platforms and tools and work to become proficient in their integration to elevate teaching and learning.  My passion is facilitating opportunities that ignite students to become passionate about leading and learning. I love to support teachers as they develop student centered classrooms that elevate voice and choice for all learners.  It fills my bucket to support projects that engage learners in creativity and supports them Socially and Emotionally.


I have been a Podcast guest speaker and have published articles and Blog Posts that highlight enhancing teaching and learning with technology in the areas of literacy, art, creativity, supporting EL learners, social-emotional skills, Goosechase, as well as other content areas.  I love to learn, share and connect with other educators and have presented at ISTE, ISTE Creative Constructor Lab, FETC, NSTA, NDATL, TIES, and multiple teacher summer institutes and have been honored with follow-up invitations to present or write about session content.


In my free time, I will likely be out for a run, swimming, biking (yes, triathlon enthusiast), writing, crafting, painting, snapping pictures, gardening, spending time with family and pets, and reading. 

I am really excited to be a part of the Goosechase BETA group.  I have used Goosechase quite a bit since Phil Everson introduced it to me in 2017 at an Educator’s Summer Institute for Discovery Education.  I used it with preservice teachers in class, in the public schools with teachers, their classes and students, and at conferences for vendor scavenger hunts, attendee engagement, for sessions on elevating engagement and more. 

The only hurdle is getting permission for students to use their cell phones for the game if we don’t have enough iPads available.  Usually, it’s quickly resolved when the administration sees Goosechase in action.

I am excited to share that I have the State EduTech team enquiring about using Goosechase at their annual conference after they experienced it at a conference I assisted with last year.

One of my favorite “Goosechase events” was when I engaged the entire administration team in Grand Forks from Superintendent to building level in a Goosechase to highlight the impact the tool could have on engagement and formative assessment - nothing better than seeing adults in suits and heels running the halls having fun and LEARNING!

See you soon flock!

Jessie R Erickson, Ed.S.

Super strong intros from both @JRErickson and @drfry2! Glad to have you both with us in The Nest!

And special congratulations to @drfry2 on your recent marriage! Thanks for sharing with us!

Userlevel 4
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Hello, my name is Stephen Pardonnet and I’m really looking forward to playing around in this Beta with everyone!!

I’m married w/three children, the first of which is about to get his driver’s license. We live in Birmingham, Michigan which is just outside of Detroit, though my wife commutes an hour and a half to Michigan State University for work everyday.

I’ve been a stay at home father for the last 15 years (wow, that makes me feel old 😬) but I am about ready to get out into the workforce again (yay driver’s license!!). 

My wife is on the PTA at our children’s school where they used to have a fundraising “carnival” each year. During the first year of Covid the PTA had to find a socially distance-able alternative, which is when we were introduced to GooseChase. They wanted to use it to create a road rally and my wife pulled me in to lend my creative juices to the clue writing … there were puns, of course… It has been a lot of fun. This will be our third, and possibly last, year creating the road rally for them. 

I feel like I have pretty limited experience with everything GooseChase has to offer, but I love problem-solving, data, and games so hopefully I will be able to give some valuable feedback to help GooseChase build their Nest 😁

@RetChaser All respect to you for taking on the Stay At Home Father role! It truly is a full time job and I’m sure your kids are super appreciative of that time (whether they realize it or not). 

I’m also on the PTA (fundraising side of things) and I’ve been wracking my brains on how to use Goosechase to help our school community out.

@RetChaser would you be open to sharing your process, mission types, how your experience is structured (aka all the deets) in the inspiration and connection area of the site. I know this would be super inspiring to me in my planning and would totally benefit others as well! 


Thrilled to have you on board with us in the 🪺

Userlevel 2
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Hello everyone! So excited to be part of the this Gaggle!

I have worked with Gaston County Schools for 22 years. I have served in a variety of roles in and out of the classroom. I currently work at a Gifted and Talented Academy.

I live close to school and that is nice to have a short drive to and from the school each day. The school is located in Gastonia, N.C., just about 30 minutes outside of Charlotte. 

I am an AIG teacher that works with students K-5. It is exciting to see kids thinking, and having fun while learning.

I started working with Goosechase when I worked with new teachers in our district when I served as a Instructional Technology Facilitator. Lately I have used Goosechase for holiday fun with family. We have so much fun completing missions and seeing all the submissions. I am ready to begin using Goosechase with gifted learners.

I have run several Goosechase experiences in the school setting and several with family members at the holidays. I would say more than 10 but less than 20.

Userlevel 2
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Hi, all! My name is Kristen, and I am a Youth Services Librarian at the Alvin Sherman Library in sunny South Florida. I have been using Goosechase for about a year to supplement our programs for families by providing them with experiences they can do at home and at the library. I believe I’ve run about five Goosechase experiences so far, and the feedback I’ve received has always been positive. I hope I can continue utilizing Goosechase in the future and look forward to sharing ideas with everyone. 

Userlevel 2
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Hello to the group! Glad to be here. 

My name is Jackie and I live in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I have been in education for over 15 years (fun fact...before that I worked as an associate sports producer for Fox Sports Philadelphia). I have been a 4th grade teacher, gifted teacher, STEM teacher, instructional coach and now I am a technology integration coach. 

It was in my coaching that I found my love for Goosechase. While I haven’t been using it for as long as many on this board, I have hit the ground running using it to motivate my teachers to try new things. I was introduced to it at KTI and loved playing it. I convinced our tech director I needed a license so I could start spreading the fun with our teachers (let’s be real we all need more fun in education). We are currently using it as a way to work through and implement the strategies in the book Personal and Authentic by Thomas Murray (Highly recommend the book if you haven’t read it). We have a game each month that aligns with a chapter of the book. 

I have also run games with the admin of our district (want to see a fun side - highly recommend this - we had our assistant superintendent climbing gym equipment!) You might do crazy things to win a 3D printed gold goose too…

Golden Goose “Trophies”


When I’m not working, I fill my time being a wife and a mom to two awesome kids - ages 5 and 8. They keep me busy. I also love all things Harry Potter (Go Ravenclaw), geocaching, traveling, listening to audiobooks, and going for walks. 


Userlevel 1
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Hi, everyone! 

My name is LaDonna Hawthorne and I am the Student Events Coordinator at Concordia University Ann Arbor in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 


I use Goosechase to increase student engagement on campus. Recently, we used it during Homecoming Weekend and our next experience will be over a major basketball tournament we have coming up at the end of this month! Before this, I use to run TEDx conferences at my last job which really sparked my interested in creating interactive experiences for audiences. Goosechase definitely elevates event experiences when used and communicated properly! 

I’ve run 4 Goosechase experiences so far and am looking forward to learning how other users are utilizing the app as well!



Welcome to the flock @lhawthorne, @JackieD, @MsKERodriguez @sbengbarth! So happy to have you join us on this journey!

Userlevel 4
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Hi everyone!
My name is Carrie Willis and I am the STEAM & Technology Director at Valley Preparatory School in Redlands, Ca. I am an EdTech nerd, and I love to learn and try new things. 🤓

I have been using Goosechase for quite a few years (don’t make me do math to figure it out) and I have created and participated in a lot of games during that time. I was first introduced to the competitive nature of Goosechase by Discovery Education at their Day of Discovery and DENSI PD events. I have quite a few golden geese under my belt. 😉

At my school I work with our teachers to develop cross-curricular hands-on STEAM projects and activities for all our students in grades preschool through 8. 

When I am not teaching, I love to nerd out at EdTech conferences, and you might even catch me presenting. I will be presenting at STEM CON, CUE and I am hoping to attend ISTE this summer.


Can’t wait to “meet” you all! 

Welcome @Carrie Willis, so happy to have you join the party!

Userlevel 1
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Hi Everyone!

My name is Ashley McBeth and I am a K-5 Gifted Resource Teacher in Hanover County, VA. I am originally from WI (Go Badgers!), but moved to VA about 15 years ago for my husband’s job. I have taught grades 3, 4, and 5 for 12 years and have been in my current role for 5. I have 2 sons who are 8 and 5 and an 8 month old Norweigan Elkhound. 

I enjoy using Goosechase with my math classes. It is an engaging way to review math content! I’ve run Goosechase experiences with my first, second, third, and fourth graders on concepts like patterns, geometry, computation, and graphing. I look forward to learning new ways to incorporate it into the state curriculum. :)

Welcome @Amcbeth !

Userlevel 1
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   My name is Angela Schneider and I teach Health and English in Idaho. I have been teaching for over 15 years. I am always interested in finding new and exciting games to enhance the curriculum that I am teaching. Every since I was introduced to Goosechase, I have loved the collaboration that has developed between the students and staff. Goosechase is a wonderful resource. 



Userlevel 5
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Hi @Schneider26, welcome to The Nest! So glad to hear about your experience using Goosechase.

Userlevel 4
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My name is Catherine (Cat) Rushton.  I am an Instructional Designer at Jacksonville University in sunny Florida!  (Before Ju, I was the Director of Forensic Science Program at Marshall University.)

I am interested in helping professors increase their use of active learning methods in their courses in order to make them more engaging for students without making more work for themselves.  I am especially interested in using scavenger hunt as an alternative assignment.  Professors are partnering with me to transition assignments into hunts using Goosechase.  It has been incredibly well received by the college students.  The students have requested we make their assignments longer when using Goosechase!


Happy first day and welcome to The Nest @CatRush + @Schneider26. Way to go on introducing yourself to the rest of the community


@Schneider26 Be sure to check out our brand honkin’ new Template Library which you can find in the top Nav bar

@CatRush great to hear that professors are partnering with you on including Goosechase to transition assignments. Please feel free to invite any professors you work with to join the nest, would love more higher people in our Educators and Campus Life Gaggles (groups). They do not need to have an account with Goosechase to join The Nest. This is meant to be a free resource for anyone looking to level up their Goosechase game : )

Userlevel 2
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Hey everyone!  I am late to this party as I was on vacation in France and England the past two weeks.  (And, ironically, I saw a corporate group doing a digital scavenger hunt in York, England on one of the days I was there!). I am an avid traveler and photographer.  I have two is 14 and one is 3.

I co-own a company that does experiential team building and learning/development; it’s called True North Team Building.  We are based in Ridgefield, CT (about 1-½ hrs from Manhattan and 3 hrs from Boston).  We are in our 13th year of business.  We work with corporate groups, universities and schools. 

I tend to be the person who comes up with new ideas and events for our company.  Before the pandemic we did only in-person events.  Like many others, we had to pivot quickly and find other solutions to keep our business going during the pandemic….Goose Chase became one of our solutions.  I have primarily run Goose Chase scavenger hunts (both virtual and in-person).  I believe there are many other potential ways for my organization to use Goose Chase and that is what I am trying to get a better handle on now.  I have probably run less than 50 events with GC so far, however, I am a big proponent of it!

@ the Eiffel Tower - January 2023


Userlevel 2
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My name is Catherine (Cat) Rushton.  I am an Instructional Designer at Jacksonville University in sunny Florida!  (Before Ju, I was the Director of Forensic Science Program at Marshall University.)

I am interested in helping professors increase their use of active learning methods in their courses in order to make them more engaging for students without making more work for themselves.  I am especially interested in using scavenger hunt as an alternative assignment.  Professors are partnering with me to transition assignments into hunts using Goosechase.  It has been incredibly well received by the college students.  The students have requested we make their assignments longer when using Goosechase!


Hello, my name is Stephen Pardonnet and I’m really looking forward to playing around in this Beta with everyone!!

I’m married w/three children, the first of which is about to get his driver’s license. We live in Birmingham, Michigan which is just outside of Detroit, though my wife commutes an hour and a half to Michigan State University for work everyday.

I’ve been a stay at home father for the last 15 years (wow, that makes me feel old 😬) but I am about ready to get out into the workforce again (yay driver’s license!!). 

My wife is on the PTA at our children’s school where they used to have a fundraising “carnival” each year. During the first year of Covid the PTA had to find a socially distance-able alternative, which is when we were introduced to GooseChase. They wanted to use it to create a road rally and my wife pulled me in to lend my creative juices to the clue writing … there were puns, of course… It has been a lot of fun. This will be our third, and possibly last, year creating the road rally for them. 

I feel like I have pretty limited experience with everything GooseChase has to offer, but I love problem-solving, data, and games so hopefully I will be able to give some valuable feedback to help GooseChase build their Nest 😁


Hi Stephen, Was the road rally done in cars?  I have always thought it would be fun to do a loosely  themed hunt around “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” - a movie from the 1960s.  Cindy

Badge +1

Hi everyone!

My name is Fred. I seem like an outlier with most of the use case here. I work at the home office of a large company based out of Milwaukee. I have been an avid Goosechase user (for a few years now, wow!) for events put on by my company to help increase foot traffic and technology adoption, on an enterprise level. It’s be fun and challenging (in a good way) to be able make engagement fun with all of the people we talk to at our industry conferences.

Userlevel 4
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Hi @cincrean!

Yes, our road rally is done in cars. We always use riddle-like clues though, so it’s more than just drive from point A to point B. The first year we created GPS missions so the kids could ping submissions from their cars. The second year, in an effort to enforce our team rules, we changed to photo missions where the teams would have to get out of the cars and take a picture in front of the location the clues led them to.

Badge +2

Hi there,

My name is Diane Dame. I am a fourth grade teacher in Myrtle Beach, SC. My husband and I relocated to SC a few years ago after a lifetime in the Adirondack Region of upstate New York. I changed professions and became a teacher 10 years ago. I absolutely love getting up and going to work everyday. I love the energy, the possibilities and the developing personalities. 

I first used Goosechase during the pandemic as a means to keep my students and their families engaged and active with our online learning times. I have been hooked since. I have introduced my colleagues to Goosechase as well. 

I use Goosechase in the classroom for academic and social engagement. An example would be text feature missions and during Kindness Week we did a kindness challenge with a ton of fun missions. As our adult children all live in separate cities, we also have Family Goosechase Sunday’s from time to time. 

I am looking forward to being part of this gaggle and learning with and from you all. 

Happy Day.

Userlevel 4
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Hello all,

My name is Eric Bentley @ericjbentley on Twitter.

I am an elementary school teacher in Perry, Michigan USA (5 years middle school math; 10 years 3rd and 4th grade; since then teaching technology and STEAM as a special class (like art, music, gym). 29 years :-)

My wife and I also own a driving school.

I have been using Goosechase for… hmmm… at least 10 years. 

I have primarily used it with my driver education classes to engage students as they attempt to retain much information in a short amount of time all the while applying that knowledge as they navigate our roads and highways.

I used it during Covid for my elementary school students in attempt to get them to do something from home.

I look forward to using it more with my elementary students as my stock of iPads increases.

Best wishes,


It’s been a while since any of our new friends have introduced themselves here in The Nest. That’s ok, I know that sometimes speaking in front of the rest of the class can be a bit scary.


To make this easier for everyone, and to ensure you’re getting to know some of your fellow community members, I’m kicking things off with a new post I’m calling Welcome Wagon!


This week I’m giving a Welcome Wagon, Honk! to @puppyluv28!


Whose actual name is Davina!

Davina works for Deadhorse Productions

She's located in Anderson, South Carolina, USA

From Davina, “I’m currently using Goosechase for this chase (The Hike ‘n Honk) and a family made chase”


Welcome Davina @puppyluv28, we’re glad you’re here
