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The Goosechase Hike ‘n Honk, presented by Cotopaxi, Launches April 3rd, 2023


Howdy fellow Nest’rs! 🪺

We’ve got a special contest event exclusively for our community members (that’s you): a Goosechase Experience of our very own brought to you in part by our fine feathered friends at Cotopaxi.


Who knew a goose and a llama were a match made in heaven? Well…we did. Cotopaxi is all about inspiring people to explore and do good, and we couldn’t be more excited to partner with them to get you ready for epic adventuring.


The Goosechase Hike ‘n Honk, presented by Cotopaxi, will kick off on April 3, 2023, and you’ll have the entire month of April to complete Missions and accumulate points for your chance to make it to the top of the leaderboard and win weekly prizes.  


Here's how it works:

  • Create and fill out your profile on The Nest, the community for Goosechase creators
    • (Pro-Tip: make sure your profile has your real name and photo)
  • Download the latest version of the Goosechase app
  • Use the Join Code: J4PE5M, And Password: THENEST, to join the fun
  • Complete Missions and score points for your chance to win great prizes (and do some good)


What could you win?

Each Cotopaxi pack is one-of-a-kind, be prepared for a total surprise!


I’m so excited about this experience and partnership. A month of fun missions, great prizes, only for members of The Nest community. Get those phones charged up, tie those shoes tight and get ready for a Honk’n good time!


See our Contest Terms and Conditions

I love this!  I can’t wait for the fun!

@CatRush It’s going to be a really fun month for sure. And without patting myself on the back too too much, I think we came up with a really cool way to use Goosechase to educate, do some good, and have some fun!

@Kris An adaptation of a little cheer my kids used to do. I think it goes with this collaboration.  And YES, there are hand motions that go with this.

Happy llama.  Sad llama.  Overly excited llama. Super llama. Drama llama.  Big, bad mama llama.  Goose!  


@Kris An adaptation of a little cheer my kids used to do. I think it goes with this collaboration.  And YES, there are hand motions that go with this.

Happy llama.  Sad llama.  Overly excited llama. Super llama. Drama llama.  Big, bad mama llama.  Goose!  


HAHA! My kids do something very similar! However swapping in Llama’s and Geese?!!?!?!? Way better!

Super stoked for this! 

The leaderboard for the Hike ‘n Honk is heating up… we’re well into week 1 and the submissions have been awesome! The Do Good Mission #2 - Press 1 from appreciation… YOU GUYS! Those text messages were so sweet. I legit had a lump in my throat! 



Oh and in case you missed the notification in the app already:

The FIRST bonus mission of the HnH is now live! You have 24 hours to complete it. You’ll get points no matter what BUT, our friends at Cotopaxi will determine who has the best submission each week!

Keep your eyes on this thread for the announcement on which submission (by whom) was chosen

Hot Dog we have a WEINER!!! 

Our friends at Cotopaxi, went over and over the many great submissions for last weeks Bonus mission, but at the end of the day, there could be only one winner.


For going ABOVE and BEYOND the mission requirements and sending not just ONE card but THREE, our Week 1 Bonus mission winner is:


@Amy_rass !!

Congratulations Amy, please send me a private message and I’ll help to get you your prize!


If you didn’t win, don’t despair, the Week 2 BONUS mission Just. Went. Live! You have 24 hours to complete it, so get out there and do some good!

Week 2 Bonus Mission winner winner, chicken dinner! (Also a very big apology for the delay in getting this posted)

The Cotopaxi Llama has spoken and for the Week 2 Bonus mission the winner is….

….. drum roll….


@Acmcdaniel119 !!!



If you didn’t win, don’t despair, the Week 3 BONUS mission will launch at some time this week! You’ll have 24 hours to complete it, so get out there and do some good!


Also a reminder to our Week 1 winner @Amy_rass please email me at the above address as soon as you can so we can get you your prize as well

It’s a double dose of Goosechase Hike ‘n Honk Bonus mission winners! That’s right sports fans, due to a back end mishap on my end, the much delayed Week 3 Bonus mission winner and the Week 4 Bonus mission winners are being announced at the exact same time!!

Double the winners. Double the excitement. Double Honk (honk)!!

(Jeez, I’m not even a winner and I’m this excited, imagine if I was winning?)

Without further adieu, here are your final two Do Good Bonus Mission winners:


Week 3 Bonus Mission winner is...


and, not to be out done, our

Week 4 Bonus Mission winner is...



On the topic of prizes, we’ll be tallying up points, and awarding/deducting bonus points early next week once the experience ends so keep your eyes and ears tuned to this channel for the prize winning announcements sometime next week



🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 Winner Announcement🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆



Howdy fellow Hike ‘n Honkers


What an absolutely incredible month long event! I’m actually a little sad to see it finally come to an end, but what I’m feeling even more than sad is gratitude and excitement. I’m so grateful for all 170 of you you who participated in this inaugural Goosechase run Community event, and I am so excited by how much effort everyone put into this experience (over 2500 submissions - no small feat for me to like everyone of those but I think I did it?!) . Safe to say that there will be more of these events in the future, so stay tuned!

Now before announcing the winners, I wanted to give a special shout out to the sponsors of the HnH our good friends from Cotopaxi who made this possible with amazing prizes and help with thoughtful Do Good Missions to keep the fun going all month long.

Based on the Leaderboard from the HnH, it’s pretty clear on who our top 20 and after confirming that everyone in the Top 20 in fact has a profile here in The Nest, I’m happy to announce our winners!

🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆Congratulations to...🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆















@Mandy Fitz



@kimberly Phoenix -Rose




While we only have 20 prizes from Cotopaxi to handout… we wanted to show our appreciation to everyone who participated whether you completed 88 missions or signed up to support but didn’t have time to complete any. We spoke with Cotopaxi and they’ve generously offered a special discount code to everyone in The Nest community!

The code is goosechase20

PLEASE NOTE: The code is Valid on full price items only. Excludes collaboration products, gift cards, sale items and donations. Expires 5/31/2023."


Thank you everyone for making April so much fun, and I cannot wait to chat more here in The Nest about creating amazing interactive experiences for your communities, classrooms and co-workers!


Honk Honk!


PS - Did the Hike ‘n Honk inspire you? Wanna steal it so you can make your own epic adventure? No problem, friends share right, you can copy my template here -

thank you for putting in all that hard work! this was so fun!

Thank you! Lots of fun!!

You’re so very welcome @Cscantland (Chels) + @Allen980349 (Chris). It was my pleasure and so much run. Full transparency, this was my very first large Goosechase that I’ve run. I’ve done a few small ones in my neighbourhood for my kids and for our local elementary school but this was the first time more than 2 people saw it and also such an overwhelmingly positive response!

Thanks to @Kris and everyone else who helped organize this experience! It was a lot of fun and I learned some cool facts (like the Grand Canyon being larger than Rhode Island 😲 and that I can find pink rattlesnakes there!) and got some serious wanderlust for Yosemite. The biggest challenge was looking for a spotted owl, but i liked how difficult it was because I got so excited when I actually found one! Overall, I enjoyed poking around Google Maps trying to find the exact image asked for or just exploring the beautiful surroundings, and I loved all the trivia ☺️

Reposting the message I just sent via the Experience Manager to all HnH Participants below:


Last message from the HnH Team!

The prizes are in the mail now and on their way to their final destinations! Thank you for everyone who participated last month, what fun!

If you didn't win a prize don't forget you've got until the end of the month to use our discount code on new/reg price Cotopaxi gear (goosechase20)

And, if you liked the HnH, I would really appreciate 2 min of your time to provide some feedback on your experience. It's a 2 min survey and will help us make it even better next time!

Click here to give us some feedback -

Thanks so much in advance


Head Goose

Thank you again @Kris and Cotopaxi for putting on this experience. This an incredibly well put together Goosechase that was both fun and educational (some of these locations have ended up on an itenerary). The work you put in really showed! This was just an overall amazing game and was super fun. I really enjoyed all of the Bonus, 24 hour, missions as they kept me thinking of not only how I can do some good, but also be creative in getting them done quickly. Also seeing how other participants compelted theirs was a really cool addition. You caused a lot of good to be done in one little game. Super cool. 

Thanks again, and I look forward to the next experience. 
