
Goosechase Community Guidelines

  • 14 October 2022
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Welcome to The Nest Community by Goosechase! 🪺We’re thrilled to have you join our flock!


We’ve envisioned The Nest as a place where Goosechase creators can flock together to connect with each other, learn from your peers, and get inspired. There shouldn’t be any surprises as you read through these Community Guidelines as they serve as a baseline understanding of how we hope everyone will act within the community, but also help you to understand what to expect from other community members.

Your participation here is subject to these Guidelines and our Terms & Conditions. Take a moment to review them.


Be Respectful 🫡

Regardless of the shape of your beak or the color of your feathers, we’re all a part of the same flock. We’re all from different backgrounds and levels of experience here but it’s that diversity that makes us so strong. With that in mind, remember that this is and always should be a welcoming, safe space for thoughtful expression, where everyone feels comfortable. At all times, even when your feathers are feeling a little ruffled, treat your fellow nesters with kindness and respect. Flock-mates (like family) don’t always have to agree but any intolerance towards a fellow community member, Goosechase employee, or event guest will not be permitted. This means, no name-calling, offensive behavior, or bullying is allowed EVER. 


Be Engaging 💍

While our team will post helpful content and responses here and there, the voices we really want to hear from are yours! As the old expression goes, “You get out what you put in”. Take a look around and if you see a place where you can add your voice and expertise to an existing conversation or you want to start your own topic fly on in! If there’s a topic that's got you so turn around inside that you’re starting to molt…toss the question out to the community! 


Search Is Your Wingman 🔎

There are a ton of egg-sperts in this community who are more than happy to share solutions and advice, however, before asking a question or starting a new topic, make sure you’ve typed the question into search first! Not only does our search bar scan the entire community but it’s also does a great job at searching our Help Centre and blog for relevant results. Cool huh? If you’re still not finding what you’re looking for, by all means start a new conversation


Be Patient 🧘

Patience is a virtue. If you’ve asked a question in one location and it hasn’t been answered right away, be patient. Please don’t ask the same question in multiple locations. It’s not cool.


Let’s Keep It Clean, eh? 🛀

No NSFW content will be allowed in this community. Period.  


Be a Privacy Protector ⚔️

With any luck this community will be an all out share-a-thon, with lots of information going back and forth — which is awesome. Just be sure at all times that anything you post is public for all to see. And it goes without saying (but we’re gonna say it anyway) don’t share any personal information about others without their consent.


No Soliciting 🧾

We’ve asked that our sales and account management teams take a back seat when it comes to the community because selling you something here is not what this is all about. We simply ask that you give us and your fellow community members the same courtesy. Posts with the explicit intent to sell a product or services will be removed. Keep the forums and Q&A pitch free.


See a Post That’s not Following the Guidelines? 🤖

Our Robo-Goose is pretty efficient at apprehending guideline violation offenders in the background, but sometimes it may miss something. As a goose-citizen of The Nest you have the ability to “flag” inappropriate posts and comments, and we encourage you to do so. To flag a post or comment simply click on the three dots on the bottom right of a post, and click on "Flag". This will notify a member of the Community team who will review and take the appropriate actions. We reserve the right to remove posts or delete accounts in the event they are detrimental to the Community.


FAQs ❓

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to discover how to navigate here check out the Community FAQs.


When All Else Fails… 🤗

Ping a fellow community member, or contact me, @Craig Cordell directly. I’m happy to help.


And again, welcome to The Nest Community by Goosechase

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