
Visibility Automation

  • 15 April 2024
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 1

I am wondering if it is possible to only allow missions to become visible once the previous mission is completed? For example if I had 5 missions the first mission would be the only one available at the start then when they finish that number 2 becomes available and so on all the way to the end. I can only see a way to make them available at specific times related to the whole experience.


3 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Hey @ams716 - we love this idea! This is something we're currently internally calling 'Gated Missions': basically, the idea that Mission B will automatically release when Mission A is completed. Unfortunately, it's not yet available, but I can confirm that it is something our team is actively working on and planning to release. I can't give an exact timeline on when it will release, but can confirm that Gated Missions is very high on our priority list.

In the mean time, we'd love to hear more information about how you'd envision using this feature when it does launch. Your input really helps our product team to deliver the functionality that our customers need. In your ideal scenario, would it be as simple as Mission A unlocks Mission B unlocks Mission C unlocks Mission D and so on? Or do you envision doing something more complex with it?

How would it ideally work for you?

Userlevel 1

Hey @Alice - You already gave the main functions I’d find useful in regards to this specific feature. I'd also think maybe there could even be time release unlocks based off of completed missions such as, ex: 5 minutes after Mission 1 is completed, Mission 2 unlocks. One other thing that could be cool is location based unlocks. Ex: if (user long. and lat. == specified long. and lat.){unlock a mission or even send a message}. One other cool feature I believe would be cool is rather than just receiving messages in the Goosechase inbox, implementing SMS integration and allow the user to receive no-reply texts to their mobile device. The activity feed could even be sent via SMS. This would allow only one person of the team to need to download the app, while everyone else on the team would receive the messages.

Hope this feedback helps!

Aaron Strocchia

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

ex: 5 minutes after Mission 1 is completed, Mission 2 unlocks. One other thing that could be cool is location based unlocks. Ex: if (user long. and lat. == specified long. and lat.){unlock a mission or even send a message}. 


Hey @ams716 this is a very cool idea! We are thinking a lot about different ways to trigger the ‘release’ of missions; when another mission is completed is our most commonly requested, but a location-based trigger is a very interesting concept. Also love the idea of automatically sending messages when certain conditions are reached. This is super helpful thank you for sharing! 💡💡💡

SMS is also intriguing. We have been thinking on better ways to communicate with participants since not everybody has push notifications turned on. I will bring this idea to the product team! 
