🔴 Watch Recording: 🏛️⭐ Goosechase 101 for Visitor Experience Professionals

  • 15 April 2024
  • 1 reply

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Need help levelling up? Whether you're running your first or your hundredth Goosechase, my nest is full of ideas to help get your creative juices flowing!


I’m super excited to invite you to join me on Wednesday, April 24th at 10 AM PST / 1PM EST, for a helpful honks session on how visitor experience professionals in museums, art galleries, zoos, and aquariums can use Goosechase to create unforgettable experiences that will have your visitors flocking back for more. RSVP here!


Have questions or just curious about anything in particular? Feel free to drop them below!


Catch you next week!


@Craig Cordell @maria_senditsocial @slorenz @Darnall's Chance @EleHein @cmcwhorter @jkaempfer @stacy.larosa @Jennifer 

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🔴 Missed the event? You can watch the recording here 👇 


A huge thank you to @Erin for sharing her knowledge with us today!


Attached is a copy of the deck and below are all the resources shared within the session:

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It was so much fun honking with everyone yesterday! 🤩

Here are the results from the prompts we used to demonstrate the versatility of our Mission Generator.


Family-friendly visit prompt

Create a family-friendly set of Missions for a museum visit. Ensure it caters to a wide range of ages and encourages family members to work together.


Mission Type: Photo Mission

Mission Name: Artistic Antics

Point Value: 400 points

Mission Description: Strike a pose mimicking a famous painting in the museum. Bonus points for creativity and authenticity!


Mission Type: Photo Mission

Mission Name: Sculpture Scavenger Hunt

Point Value: 300 points

Mission Description: Take a photo next to a sculpture that represents an animal. Share why you chose that sculpture with your group.


Mission Type: Video Mission

Mission Name: Museum Masterpiece

Point Value: 600 points

Mission Description: Create a short video showcasing your favorite exhibit in the museum. Explain why it captivated your interest.


Mission Type: Text Mission

Mission Name: Time Traveler's Tale

Point Value: 500 points

Mission Description: Write a short story imagining you have stepped into a museum exhibit. Describe your adventure and discoveries!


Mission Type: Text Mission

Mission Name: Curiosity Chronicles

Point Value: 400 points

Mission Description: Share a fun fact you learned about an artifact in the museum. The more obscure, the better!


Mission Type: Text Mission

Mission Name: Family Heritage Quest

Point Value: 700 points

Mission Description: Describe an object in the museum that reminds you of a precious family memory. Why does it hold a special place in your heart?


Special event support prompt

Design Missions that can run alongside a special event at the museum, such as a fundraiser or a festival. Focus on engaging attendees and promoting interaction.


Mission Type: Photo Mission

Mission Name: Historical Reenactment

Point Value: 500 points

Mission Description: Strike a pose in front of a historical exhibit and reenact a famous moment from the past. Bonus points for creativity and historical accuracy!


Mission Type: Photo Mission

Mission Name: Artistic Perspective

Point Value: 400 points

Mission Description: Find a piece of artwork that speaks to you and capture a unique angle or view of it. Share why this piece resonated with you in the caption.


Mission Type: Video Mission

Mission Name: Museum Dance Party

Point Value: 700 points

Mission Description: Show off your best dance moves next to a piece of art, exhibit, or artifact. Get creative and bring some fun and energy to the museum floor!


Mission Type: Text Mission

Mission Name: Time Travel Trivia

Point Value: 300 points

Mission Description: Answer this question: If you could travel back in time to any period, which historical event would you want to witness firsthand and why? Share your thoughts on the magic of time travel!


Mission Type: Text Mission

Mission Name: Musical Memories

Point Value: 600 points

Mission Description: Share a song or piece of music that you believe perfectly captures the essence of the museum. Explain why you chose this musical masterpiece and how it enhances your museum experience.


Wedding in a dinosaur exhibit prompt

Create a set of Missions for a museum experience focused on a dinosaur exhibit. There's a wedding being held at the museum, in the hall where the dinosaurs are displayed. The goal is to collect memories for the happy couple.


Mission Type: Photo Mission

Mission Name: Dino Duo Delight

Point Value: 400 points

Mission Description: Capture a photo of two dinosaur skeletons standing side by side. Get creative with poses and props to bring these prehistoric pals to life! Share a fun fact about the species in the photo.


Mission Type: Text Mission

Mission Name: Dino Delights Quiz

Point Value: 300 points

Mission Description: Answer the following trivia question: which dinosaur was known for its long neck and tail and lived in herds? Share your response and a brief explanation to showcase your dino knowledge!


Mission Type: Photo Mission

Mission Name: Roaring Memories

Point Value: 600 points

Mission Description: Strike your best dinosaur pose next to a T-Rex skeleton exhibit. Make sure to let out your fiercest roar and capture the moment in a photo. Bonus points for creativity!


Mission Type: Video Mission

Mission Name: Dino Dance-off

Point Value: 800 points

Mission Description: Record a short video of yourself doing the dino dance at the dinosaur exhibit. Get your groove on and show off your best dino-inspired moves to entertain the happy couple and fellow participants!


Mission Type: Text Mission

Mission Name: Prehistoric Poetry

Point Value: 500 points

Mission Description: Channel your inner poet and craft a short dinosaur-themed poem. Let your creativity run wild as you compose a verse that pays tribute to the ancient giants that once roamed the earth. Share your poetic masterpiece with us!


Staff onboarding and team building prompt

Design an onboarding Experience for new museum staff. Include Missions that introduce the layout of the space, key exhibits, and the museum's culture. Beyond the first day, we want this to be ongoing to encourage ongoing team building with a focus on creating lasting connections amongst colleagues and fostering a culture of connection.


Mission Type: Photo Mission

Mission Name: Gallery Guide Guru

Point Value: 500 points

Mission Description: Snap a photo while guiding a colleague through a specific exhibit. Be sure to highlight key details and share interesting facts about the artwork. Bonus points for adding a creative twist to the tour!


Mission Type: Text Mission

Mission Name: Culture Connection

Point Value: 600 points

Mission Description: Describe in a few sentences how you would represent the museum's culture in an art piece. Consider the values, history, and essence you aim to capture through your creation.


Mission Type: Video Mission

Mission Name: Museum Masterpiece Showcase

Point Value: 800 points

Mission Description: Create a video presenting your favorite exhibit in the museum. Discuss why it resonates with you and how you believe it enhances the overall visitor experience. Get creative with your storytelling!


Mission Type: Text Mission

Mission Name: Exhibit Evolution

Point Value: 400 points

Mission Description: Share a brief description of an exhibit you would love to see featured in the museum in the future. Explain why this exhibit would be impactful and engaging for visitors of all ages.


Mission Type: Photo Mission

Mission Name: Team Time Capsule

Point Value: 700 points

Mission Description: Capture a photo that represents a special team moment at the museum. Whether it's a successful exhibit launch or a memorable team-building activity, showcase the bond that unites the museum staff.


Have a blast with the Mission Generator! What cool prompts have you tried out?
