Advice for Icebreaker Activities

  • 1 February 2023
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A lot of you may be using Goosechase to break the ice. 


We did a really interesting Q&A with Social Psychologists last year who used Goosechase in a study about talking to’s their top advice for getting strangers to talk to each other:


  1. Give people a clear objective: It might sound like the opposite of fun, but it isn’t! Giving folks clear direction (“Approach someone in your favorite color”, “Talk to someone about what you had for breakfast this morning”) and they’ll be more empowered to talk to others.
  2. Lead by example: It may seem simple, because it is - talk to people first! If you’re hosting the activity, get the conversation started yourself!

For tips 3&4, read more here:

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Userlevel 4
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What a cool research project!  And a great new avenue for using hunts.  I have many thoughts/ideas percolating now. 
