A very powerful selling tool for team building activities.

  • 28 January 2023
  • 1 reply

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Hi Everyone,

We at Team Dynamics IL. have been working with Goosechase since 2014. Back then, there were only photo missions available.
Over the years, we developed a way to use Goosechase to create extra value for our customers.
This is our most powerful tip: (at the end of this post you can find an example game that you can try to see how it works). 

Before every Team Building activity, we create a For-Play game. This game is open 3-5 days before the main event. Initially, we made this experience for large groups. We knew that explaining the technical features and the game instructions was tough before we sent people on their way.

The benefit of doing this was so great that we made it a standard procedure: 

  1. When you meet the players on the event day, most of them know how to play, so they don’t get frustrated if they lose points because of technical issues.
  2. At least one team member already has the app installed, but they also know how to install and connect to a game. 
  3. The pre-game creates a crazy buzz in the organization. The team leaders' WhatsApp group is filled with high-quality trash talk.
  4. Offering the pregame is a very, very, very powerful selling tool. We offer the customer the opportunity to make this once-a-year activity day into several day's events. We closed many deals with these features even if our competitors were cheaper. We give more. It costs more.


Here is how we do it:

  • 1. before every event, ask the client to divide the teams and pick one person from each team to become the group leader.
  • 2. put all the team leaders on a single WhatsApp group and make our game master the group’s manager.
  • 3. once done, we send a message. Something like: “ you were chosen to be group leaders in the game. Don't panic! You don’t have any special responsibility. Download the app ‘Goosechase’ (add a link) from the app store, and wait for instructions. Please confirm that you have done it. We will soon open a test game for you. Some missions will give you team bonus points for the main event.”
  • 4. open the test game and send the username and password.
  • 5. share the best photos or videos with the WhatsApp team, so they know you are watching them. We usually choose a great submission and let everybody know that this awesome picture/video earned the group leader bonus points for the main event.
  • 6. respond in the game so they will realize that we can communicate via the app.
  • 7. We usually add one tricky question in the game. “What is the role of Captain Kirk in the original Star Track series? (the answer is captain).
  • 8. The pre-game has a photo mission, a video mission, a riddle, a photo mission that is hiding in a Youtube link, a question about who’s in the lead (they have to look at the leaderboard), and finally a video mission that asks them to find their team members (if possible) and record a winning roar that will shake the earth and plant fear in the harts of their rivals (This mission is wort point in the main event but only to the most fearsome Roar)

That’s it.
Please respond here if you tried it. I would love to hear how it went.


To try the pre-game enter game code:



1 reply

@nadantzur This is an exception use case, and so very detailed. I’m happy to hear that this pre-game tactic has helped you increase sales and close more deals!
