9 ways to market your Experience and boost participation!

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Are you looking for some fresh and honkilicious ideas for getting the messaging out for your Experience and boosting participation? 


Fret not my feathery friends, I’ve got 9 stellar ideas for you! ✨


  1. Email Campaign: Create an email campaign with eye-catching visuals, catchy subject lines, and compelling copy. Send multiple reminders to employees leading up to the event, and make sure to include information about the prizes and how to sign up

  2. Internal Communication Channels: Use your company's internal communication channels (eg. Slack, Teams, etc.) to promote the event. You can create a dedicated channel or thread for your Goosechase Experiences, and post regular updates and reminders

  3. Create a teaser campaign: Build excitement by creating a teaser campaign that provides a sneak peek of the challenges and prizes that participants can expect. This can help generate interest and encourage employees to sign up

  4. Offer incentives: Consider offering incentives to participants to encourage engagement. This could include prizes for the winning team, or smaller rewards for individual participants who complete certain challenges. Some rewards ideas are additional vacation days, gift cards, or other prizes. This can encourage employees to join the experience and give their best effort.

  5. Gamification: Gamify the experience by sharing leaderboard updates, showcasing the top performers, and providing regular updates on progress. This can increase engagement and motivate employees to participate

  6. Team Building: Use the Goosechase Experience as a team-building activity, and encourage managers to participate with their teams. This can help create a fun and collaborative atmosphere that motivates employees to participate

  7. Leverage social media: Use social media channels to promote the event and showcase employee participation. Share photos, videos, and updates about the challenge on your company's social media pages. Encourage employees to share their submissions on the company's social media pages using a unique hashtag

  8. Get leadership involved: Encourage leaders and managers to participate in the challenge and promote it to their teams. This can help generate buy-in and encourage more employees to sign up

  9. Feedback Loop: Create a feedback loop by soliciting feedback from participants after the Goosechase Experience is over, to understand why participation was low and what employees would like to see in future experiences. This feedback can help you refine future challenges and increase engagement in the long run


Flockstar Tip 🧡: Within the Experience itself, use automations to time release Missions throughout the duration of the event. This is a great way to encourage participants to return daily to continue completing Missions! You can also automate messages to be sent throughout the Experience to keep participants engaged and motivated.


Photo by Joe Caione on Unsplash


These ideas make me as happy as this little guy! Do you have some tried, tested and true methods that you love to use? 

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